Mommom and Pops at Lake Anna. All our nearby family was there for the fun. Joanna started in my lap (her mom's lap was occupied and I was the only available lap at the time). Shortly after, Abby arrived and joined Joanna. Soon after Abby climbed up, Maryn toddled in the room and saw that someone else had "her place" on Mommy's lap. So we decided there was plenty of room and took advantage of the photo opportunity. The funny thing is, Maryn does not like when someone has her Mommy...she got upset at the chiropractor's office, fusses when Rich hugs me and loudly protests when I'm holding another baby in the church nursery. Maryn is clear about what is hers and sharing...well we're working on that!
December 31, 2007
Sharing my Mommy?!
Mommom and Pops at Lake Anna. All our nearby family was there for the fun. Joanna started in my lap (her mom's lap was occupied and I was the only available lap at the time). Shortly after, Abby arrived and joined Joanna. Soon after Abby climbed up, Maryn toddled in the room and saw that someone else had "her place" on Mommy's lap. So we decided there was plenty of room and took advantage of the photo opportunity. The funny thing is, Maryn does not like when someone has her Mommy...she got upset at the chiropractor's office, fusses when Rich hugs me and loudly protests when I'm holding another baby in the church nursery. Maryn is clear about what is hers and sharing...well we're working on that!
Christmas Blessings!
December 30, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Mommom and Pops joined us early in the morning for presents, then later in the day they were back for dinner along with more family. Maryn and her cousin Abby patiently (really) waited for their prese
December 12, 2007
First Snow
Those of you who know the DC area know that we panic when a few flakes drop from the sky. Traffic is a million times worse than normal and schools have closed with even just the threat of snow. We don't get much snow so we have to take advantage of whatever we get. We had our first snow last week and I just had to get Maryn outside complete with snow boots, snow pants, hat, mittens, coat - the whole nine yards! The boys were home, school was delayed, so we got her suited up and took Maryn outside to experience her first snow. She didn't know how to move in all that bundling, pretty much just sat down, tasted a little snow, then held up her hands to be picked up. I can't say she was all that impressed, though tasting snow may have been the highlight. I don't think she was too amused by all the pictures we took, but we had to record it! All in all, it took longer to get her bundled, and unbundled than the time we spent outside!
December 5, 2007
The Joys of Christmas
I'm always primed and ready to start decorating for Christmas. I won't do it before Thanksgiving, but the moment we return from Thanksgiving I'm ready to get started. This year was no different, except for an adorable little helper. We just couldn't get the things out of the boxes fast enough. I started to get a bit irritated, well not irritated, but thinking Maryn was getting in the way when it dawned on me that this is ALL new to her. She wants to see and explore everything and when I stepped back it was a beautiful picture to watch. If only we could have captured the joy on her face as she played with our little nativity set. (We tried with these pictures, but it doesn't compare.) She played with it for over 30 minutes, but kept returning to it. I hope I can capture that joy and excitement in my heart!
Precious Moments
As you know, we are thoroughly smitten with our little girl. She does the most adorable things! Yesterday while she was eating breakfast, I was on the computer with my diet coke beside me. She had her waffle and milk cup. She kept handing me her cup and then asking for it back, then she'd point. I soon discovered that she wanted her cup to sit next to my diet coke. Mommy and Maryn, just like I love it!
We're also trying to teach Maryn to sit down while she's drinking from a cup. She's not quite getting it, but when she asks for her milk (she signs "milk please") I'll tell her to sit down. I expect her to sit right where she is at the moment, but she likes to walk all the way across the room to sit. I usually have to get up and take her cup to her. She sure knows how to get attention.

Maryn fell last night and bumped her cheek near her eye. I was so upset, as was Maryn. I held her for quite a while and periodically she would pat me on the back to reassure me that she was alright...just what I needed! By the time Rich got home about an hour later, she was requesting food and smiling. She recovered quicker than me!
She likes to sit in our lap to read and she is staying very close to me and protests when I leave her. We were in the basement looking at some books and she kept getting up, then returning. Upon returning she now "backs up" to sit in my lap. It is just so cute to watch as she puts it in reverse "looking" for my lap!

I may have missed the first 11 months of her life, but I sure hope I can capture all these cute little moments and remember them forever!
I may have missed the first 11 months of her life, but I sure hope I can capture all these cute little moments and remember them forever!
We packed our bags and headed to Mommom and Pops house to celebrate Maryn's first Thanksgiving with us. It was the first Thanksgiving in their new home and we were there with one of my sisters, my brother and their families. It was a busy place to be. It was also Maryn's first trip away from home. She did just fine and loved following her little cousins around the house.
December 4, 2007
The Cuteness
November 12, 2007
Happy Halloween
The past two Halloweens I've spent the time between handing out candy thinking about what life will be like when Maryn was here. Of course, we had much more time to think about it than we anticipated. Two years ago Caleb and I discussed what Maryn would dress up as and if he could take her around the neighborhood. Well our first Halloween finally arrived. Maryn dressed as a ladybug and she was a very cute little ladybug! Josh and Caleb spent the evening with their youth group at Chipotle. If you dress as a burrito, in tin foil, you got a free burrito. Maryn charmed our neighbors while I handed out candy. Mommom and Pops came to see our "cuteness" which has quickly become Maryn's nickname, thanks t
She's Walking!
Maryn took her first steps around her first birthday. One day I found an old Discovery Toys walking toy and brought it up for her. It gave her new perspective on mobility and she became even more determined to walk. She pushed that bear/train everywhere it would fit. She even got mad at things (like a wall or the refrigerator) when they "suddenly" got in her way! The week of Halloween is when she took off on her own and she has been trolling around ever since. She's still not totally steady, but has "found" the dining and living rooms and is no longer satisfied to stay in the family room and kitchen.
November 11, 2007
Future Marching Stallion
Those of you who know us well, know that our kids are involved in several extracirricular
activities. This fall we only had one activity to keep up with - Josh playing tuba in the marching band. We went to every home football game except one (it was raining) and two of the four competitions. Maryn was a trooper staying up past her bedtime or missing a nap and still smiled at anyone who would look at her. She was well loved by the marching band! One of the competitions we went to was held at James Madison University, about 2 1/2 hours away from home. We met Mommom and Pops there and had a wonderful day. The South County Marching Stallions won their division of the competition. Maryn loved watching all the bands and "directed"from the stands. She did a great job keeping time - we were just thankful that she was pleasant and didn't even mind being bundled up!
Maryn Turns One!
On September 23rd, we celebrated Maryn's first and Josh's sixteenth birthdays. We had a fun day that started at church and continued when our family and friends gathered for dinner and birthday cake! I'm not sure if Maryn knew it was an exciting day because she had a hard time falling asleep for her nap. She even surprised us with a few of her very first steps. She enjoyed her cake though we didn't let her destroy it...Mommy needed some to eat!
Does She Have Any Teeth?
Maryn didn't have any teeth when we got her. It didn't stop her from eating anything, but getting teeth have certainly helped. She got her bottom middle teeth the weekend of her birthday and the upper middle teeth a couple weeks later. She is a very busy baby and often difficult to get a good picture. Rich got this picture of her teeth right after a diaper change.
How's She Sleeping and Eating?
We are asked these questions often. After our initial transition, getting used to her own room, own bed, being by herself and the time change, Maryn sleeps very well, 12 hours at night and two two hour naps. She likes to sleep with her "blugy" (a tag blanket made by Aunt Cindy and named by Abby, a combination of "blanket"and "lovey.") and at least one of her dolls.
Maryn has had some lactose intolerance, a residual issue from the virus she had in China, but other than that she eats anything! She is learning to feed herself and doesn't care if she gets sticky or dirty. She has recently decided she prefers "real" food instead of baby food. When we sit down to eat she surveys everyone else's plate to see if there is anything else out there she might enjoy!

We have been blessed with an abundance of wonderful baby gifts! Maryn has quickly learned how to open a present. She throws tissue and rips wrapping paper. Sometimes she even likes what is in the package, but as with most babies, she loves the ribbons and boxes! In addition to all the baby gifts we've received, Maryn celebrated her first birthday and attended her own baby shower...not too many babies can make that claim! Thank you for all the gifts! We
especially appreciate the support of our family and friends. 
A Fresh Start
Many people have been asking me to send pictures and want to know how we are doing so I'm going to attempt to keep our blog more up to date. I'm going to go back to September and share with you some of the highlights of the past several months! It's hard to belive we've only had Maryn for 2+ months. She has blended into our family so well. She brings us much joy!
In September, Maryn did her exploring by crawling. I was amazed at how she fit herself into such small places, like next to the washing machine. She also discovered my paper basket and has repeatedly tried to "help" me reorganize.
In September, Maryn did her exploring by crawling. I was amazed at how she fit herself into such small places, like next to the washing machine. She also discovered my paper basket and has repeatedly tried to "help" me reorganize.
September 11, 2007
Persistent bugs
Well, I'd love to say that we're all healthy and back to normal. But, I can't. Sherry and I are almost back to 100%, but Josh continues to struggle. Yesterday, we went to the pediatrician in the morning and they were concerned that he was still dehydrated (even though his been drinking a fair amount of liquid). Based on that, they sent us to the Emergency room to get an IV. Several hours and 2 liters of fluid later, we were done. So far, he's missed the last 4 days of school.
September 2, 2007
Chinese Stomach Bugs
Well, it's 9:30pm and I (Rich) just got home from my 6 hour visit at the Urgent Care center. After a liter and a half of IV and the start on some powerful antibiotics, I feel a little better. The doctor definitely thought it was a combination of a stomach bug and dehydration. Now that I'm home, it's Sherry's turn. We swapped cars on her way there and my way home. I home that the IV does as much for her as it did for me. Now, all we have to do is keep everyone else healthy (and back on a normal schedule). Maryn still doesn't seem to know when it's night and day. Neither does Caleb. They both woke up around 3:00am this morning. Of course, then Caleb fell asleep later and slept most of the day. Tomorrow won't be pretty as he has to get on a closer to normal schedule; given that school start on Tuesday. Thanks to all our friends and neighbors that stepped in today with food, more food, and baby sitting.
September 1, 2007
100% Home, not yet 100% Healthy
Rich and Josh made it home safely last night! Josh was feeling well enough to travel and is on the mend. Rich and I have come down with some stomach issue and Maryn is having some problems again, though you'd never know it if you could see her playing on the floor in front of me. She was "reading" some books a while ago. Now she is banging on a package of baby wipes with one of her sandals and laughing at herself in between smiling at me. :)
We appreciate your continued prayers that we are all healthy very soon!
We appreciate your continued prayers that we are all healthy very soon!
August 31, 2007
Three Home,Two to Go!
Caleb, Maryn and I made it home last night around 11 pm! We had smooth flights, no air sick issues for me! We travelled with another adopting family from our group through LA. Rich and Josh were in Hong Kong by the time we arrived home last night. They are probably still crossing the Pacific ocean as I type.
We were greeted by my family with balloons and flowers at the airport last night. Mayrn has been all smiles, charming her way into the hearts of all! :) We got a good night sleep and Caleb was able to go to his middle school orientation this morning.
We appreciate your prayers as Rich and Josh finish their journey home. They arrive around 10:30 tonight. Hopefully we'll have some new pictures for the blog when Rich and Josh are home!
We were greeted by my family with balloons and flowers at the airport last night. Mayrn has been all smiles, charming her way into the hearts of all! :) We got a good night sleep and Caleb was able to go to his middle school orientation this morning.
We appreciate your prayers as Rich and Josh finish their journey home. They arrive around 10:30 tonight. Hopefully we'll have some new pictures for the blog when Rich and Josh are home!
August 30, 2007
Not the way we wanted this to end
Please pray, pray, pray ...
Josh woke Sherry and I this morning at 3:30am because he was sick. An boy does he do it well. He (and I) were up most of the night and he got progressive worse (although we didn't know it). By the time we got to the airport this morning, he couldn't even sit up without being dizzy. So, we had to make the horrible decision to split up. Sherry, Caleb and Maryn are on their way home and Josh and I headed back to the hotel. We immediately went to see the doctor at the clinic in the hospital. After a shot, 1/2 a liter of IV and 4 prescription medicines, we were back to the room. It's now 3:30 and I just took him back because he has a slight fever (99.5). Add Ibuprofen. It's amazing how hard it is to get over the counter meds ... I can't even find plain old Tylenol. If I can get him well enough to travel (and stay well myself), we'll make attempt number two in the morning. Pray for me, I'm okay but quite stressed and trying not to turn every stomach turn into a fear that I'm coming down with "it" (whatever it is). Please pray that he (and I)will be able to eat and drink (which he seems to be able to do at the moment) and get his strength back. Pray I have wisdom to make the right decision. Lastly, pray for Sherry, Caleb and Maryn's safe trip so I can not worry about that.
Josh woke Sherry and I this morning at 3:30am because he was sick. An boy does he do it well. He (and I) were up most of the night and he got progressive worse (although we didn't know it). By the time we got to the airport this morning, he couldn't even sit up without being dizzy. So, we had to make the horrible decision to split up. Sherry, Caleb and Maryn are on their way home and Josh and I headed back to the hotel. We immediately went to see the doctor at the clinic in the hospital. After a shot, 1/2 a liter of IV and 4 prescription medicines, we were back to the room. It's now 3:30 and I just took him back because he has a slight fever (99.5). Add Ibuprofen. It's amazing how hard it is to get over the counter meds ... I can't even find plain old Tylenol. If I can get him well enough to travel (and stay well myself), we'll make attempt number two in the morning. Pray for me, I'm okay but quite stressed and trying not to turn every stomach turn into a fear that I'm coming down with "it" (whatever it is). Please pray that he (and I)will be able to eat and drink (which he seems to be able to do at the moment) and get his strength back. Pray I have wisdom to make the right decision. Lastly, pray for Sherry, Caleb and Maryn's safe trip so I can not worry about that.
August 29, 2007
We're Headed Home!
August 27, 2007
Guangzhou update
It's Monday night and now we're in Guangzhou. This is were the US Consulate is and where we will go through the paperwork to get her visa. We arrived Saturday night and immediately went to see a doctor at a clinic in the hospital. He noticed that she had a sore throat and put her on some Chinese medicine and vitamins. What's a parent to do except trust the doctor. Good thing we did. Whatever he prescribed, it seems to be working. Last evening the "old Maryn" that we got a week ago started to return. She started drinking more and her happy personality returned. The diapers are not 100% back to normal, but we're getting closer.
Yesterday we filled out all the paperwork for our visa and hung out at the hotel. Oh. And we shopped. For dinner, we all went out to a Thai restaurant and the language barrier became a little problematic. Caleb and I ate some chip-like things that were made of shrimp (that we're both allergic to). Thank goodness for Benedril. We're both fine. We also got together for pictures in the lobby of the hotel. Wait til you see these pictures. Did I say we went shopping? At one of the stores we're having a dress made for Maryn (and Mom) and the owner let us borrow a dress for the picture. To emphasize, wait til you see these pictures. What a doll! In the evening, Caleb and Josh finally wore me down and we went down to play pool (the one with the table and balls, not water). I'm sure they'll be wanting to play every day (if allowed).
Today (our Monday) we spent the morning in the pool with a waterfall. Quite nice. It was really nice given that it's close to 100 degrees during the day (and real humid). Sherry's stomach was bothing her a little at lunch time so the boys and Maryn and I went to Lucy's for our American Classic Hamburger (with Cheese). It's the first burger I've had since we left and it was goooooood. :) After lunch, guess what we did? Four letters. Starts with "S" and ends with "P". Shop. It was actually fun and everyone (including me) got something. After that, our group marched over to a clinic for the baby's visa physicals. We've had her a little more than a week and now she has seen three doctors. Too say the least, that is not a profession she loves at the moment (Sorry, Bob & Kim). She got through it without any problems and exercised her lungs. After that, we went off into a less touristy part of the city with another couple and their baby. It was quite an experience. There was one section where we were trying to guess whether the animals were pets or food. The final vote was for pets. While on the topic of food, Caleb and I stopped by a restaurant this afternoon and saw sand worms (think 8 inch, fat worms) and water beetles out as meal choices. We passed. Back to this evening ... so we wandered around and landed at a huge outdoor mall that was just booming with people. Yes, there really are a lot of people in China. We did some window shopping and then ended up at Papa Johns. It was good to look at your food (and menu) and know what you're getting. Maryn got a hold of a bread stick and she just munched away. She wasn't too happy when it got small enough to choke on and Daddy had to take it away. On our way back to the hotel, guess what we did? Yup. Shopped some more. Before we leave, we're going to have to buy another suitcase. :(
Thanks to all of you that are faithfully reading this, commenting and praying. At this point, please pray for Maryn's complete recovery, that all the visa processing will go smoothly, and that we get well rested before the long trek home. Sorry it took so long to get you info ... internet access (that was remotely reasonable) was hard to find.
Yesterday we filled out all the paperwork for our visa and hung out at the hotel. Oh. And we shopped. For dinner, we all went out to a Thai restaurant and the language barrier became a little problematic. Caleb and I ate some chip-like things that were made of shrimp (that we're both allergic to). Thank goodness for Benedril. We're both fine. We also got together for pictures in the lobby of the hotel. Wait til you see these pictures. Did I say we went shopping? At one of the stores we're having a dress made for Maryn (and Mom) and the owner let us borrow a dress for the picture. To emphasize, wait til you see these pictures. What a doll! In the evening, Caleb and Josh finally wore me down and we went down to play pool (the one with the table and balls, not water). I'm sure they'll be wanting to play every day (if allowed).
Today (our Monday) we spent the morning in the pool with a waterfall. Quite nice. It was really nice given that it's close to 100 degrees during the day (and real humid). Sherry's stomach was bothing her a little at lunch time so the boys and Maryn and I went to Lucy's for our American Classic Hamburger (with Cheese). It's the first burger I've had since we left and it was goooooood. :) After lunch, guess what we did? Four letters. Starts with "S" and ends with "P". Shop. It was actually fun and everyone (including me) got something. After that, our group marched over to a clinic for the baby's visa physicals. We've had her a little more than a week and now she has seen three doctors. Too say the least, that is not a profession she loves at the moment (Sorry, Bob & Kim). She got through it without any problems and exercised her lungs. After that, we went off into a less touristy part of the city with another couple and their baby. It was quite an experience. There was one section where we were trying to guess whether the animals were pets or food. The final vote was for pets. While on the topic of food, Caleb and I stopped by a restaurant this afternoon and saw sand worms (think 8 inch, fat worms) and water beetles out as meal choices. We passed. Back to this evening ... so we wandered around and landed at a huge outdoor mall that was just booming with people. Yes, there really are a lot of people in China. We did some window shopping and then ended up at Papa Johns. It was good to look at your food (and menu) and know what you're getting. Maryn got a hold of a bread stick and she just munched away. She wasn't too happy when it got small enough to choke on and Daddy had to take it away. On our way back to the hotel, guess what we did? Yup. Shopped some more. Before we leave, we're going to have to buy another suitcase. :(
Thanks to all of you that are faithfully reading this, commenting and praying. At this point, please pray for Maryn's complete recovery, that all the visa processing will go smoothly, and that we get well rested before the long trek home. Sorry it took so long to get you info ... internet access (that was remotely reasonable) was hard to find.
August 25, 2007
Moving on ... to the next city
Just a quick note to let you know where things stand. We received Maryn's passport yesterday so we are done everything required in Nanchang. We leave for the airport in about an hour and a half. Next stop ... Guanghou and processing for her visa.
Please continue to pray for Maryn's health. We are now in day 5 of diarrhea and it's starting to take it's toll. Last night she took over an hour to settle and go to sleep (and it was an unhappy hour). Then, she woke up at 4:30 this morning and cried for almost an hour before going back to sleep. We talked to the adoption agency rep at breakfast and she is trying to get in touch with the doctor here and already called the rep in Guanghou. If things don't change for the better quickly, Maryn may need to be taken to the hospital. To say the least, we're starting to get concerned. The other thing we don't know (at this point) is if her being sick will impact the immigration process and keep us from coming home on time. As you might expect, we need lots of prayer that this will not happen and that we'll be able to travel on Thursday.
Yesterday, we visited the only Buddist temple in Nanchang, followed by a "Christian" church down the street. It was quite a contrast in buildings (and focus). After that we went shopping for porcelyn (however you spell it). This area is where it was made for the emperors. After that, we and another family decided that we had enough chinese food for a few days and walked to Pizza Hut. We should have taken the taxi for 6 yuan (about 90 cents). It must have been 95 degrees and all involved (parents and kids) were rather hot. To end our outing, we took a taxi home. That was quite another experience. If you think things look bad from inside a bus, try sitting in the front of a taxi (the craziest drivers) about the size of a toyota corolla.
Will update you when we get to Guanghou.
Please continue to pray for Maryn's health. We are now in day 5 of diarrhea and it's starting to take it's toll. Last night she took over an hour to settle and go to sleep (and it was an unhappy hour). Then, she woke up at 4:30 this morning and cried for almost an hour before going back to sleep. We talked to the adoption agency rep at breakfast and she is trying to get in touch with the doctor here and already called the rep in Guanghou. If things don't change for the better quickly, Maryn may need to be taken to the hospital. To say the least, we're starting to get concerned. The other thing we don't know (at this point) is if her being sick will impact the immigration process and keep us from coming home on time. As you might expect, we need lots of prayer that this will not happen and that we'll be able to travel on Thursday.
Yesterday, we visited the only Buddist temple in Nanchang, followed by a "Christian" church down the street. It was quite a contrast in buildings (and focus). After that we went shopping for porcelyn (however you spell it). This area is where it was made for the emperors. After that, we and another family decided that we had enough chinese food for a few days and walked to Pizza Hut. We should have taken the taxi for 6 yuan (about 90 cents). It must have been 95 degrees and all involved (parents and kids) were rather hot. To end our outing, we took a taxi home. That was quite another experience. If you think things look bad from inside a bus, try sitting in the front of a taxi (the craziest drivers) about the size of a toyota corolla.
Will update you when we get to Guanghou.
August 23, 2007
Waiting in Nanchang
We've been busy ... changing diapers and trying to convince an unhappy baby to take her medicine and drink Gatorade (Maryn has had diarrhea since Tuesday morning). Unhappy is a relative term. Maryn only fusses when tired or hundry; and she means business when it's time to eat.
Tuesday we hung out at the hotel and saw a doctor that our adoption agency sent. While the boys tour the city (new Nanchang and an old palace), Sherry and Maryn stayed back at the hotel. Today (Thursday), we visited the countyside. We took lots of pictures, but we'll have to explain what we saw. Each of the families brought candy or snacks to give to the kids in the village.
We decided God chase Maryn for our family because it was going to take all four of us to keep up with her! On Monday she was crawling like an inchworm. Now she's up on all fours and even crawled a little across the room (to follow Mommy). She throws herself from a sitting position to get what she wants. She jabbers and has lots to say. We just haven't figured out if she's speaking in Chinese or English.
We're still in Nanchang and should get Maryn's passport tomorrow. Saturday we fly to Guanghou. We are all doing well. Please pray that Maryn's GI system settles, that she doesn't become dehydrated and that she takes her medicine. She loves her formula, but doesn't seem to want to drink anything else.
August 21, 2007
Here's a picture ... as promised
August 20, 2007
It's really official and we have the paper to prove it!
For those that are "commenting" please continue to do so, even though I'm unable to access them (yet). I'll keep trying.
This may be a duplicate because I was having trouble so I tried to update the blog via e-mail. It didn't seem to work, but if this is a duplicate, it's because it really did.
Today, we had all our meetings with the Chinese officials to make the adoption official. Everything went smooth as "Chinese" silk. We've got the paper that shows she's ours. So, here's what I can think to tell you in random order.
The crying girl of yesterday has turned into the smiling, happy, ENERGENIC, outgoing, ENERGENIC, ball of constant fun. As Sherry put it earlier today, she plays hard and naps hard. Yesterday, she wouldn't take a bottle from us and we were a little concerned. We are concerned no more!!! At breakfast this morning, she decided that the boys pancakes were really good and ate a bunch of other food. One of the things they serve (which I guess we'll need to learrn to make for her something) is "steamed eggs". I have a feeling their similar to poached eggs, but don't know yet.
She has taken to everyone with her favorite boy-of-the-day changing day by day. Caleb was the favorite yesterday. Josh is the favorite today. The boys are having fun playing with her and seeing he fun in her eyes.
Nanchang (the city were in) is giving me a new appreciation for how good we have it in the DC area when it comes to traffic. Imagine the worst traffic, with the craziest drivers you've ever encountered, and you're not even close to driving (or walking) in Nanchang. It's a "small" Chinese city of 2,000,000 people and cars and people go which ever way they want (regardless of the direction traffic is supposed to flow). Yesterday, we had an adventure just trying to cross the street to get our kids. Essentially, you have to step out in front of traffic, put your hand out to get them to stop, and then hope and pray that they do. Then, be ready to move when they don't. It's crazy(and we have video to prove it). Today, we went to our various meetings by bus and I was just amazed that no one was killed.
Early is afternoon we met with the Social Services Director and the Director of the orphanage. They were extremely nice and we were amazed at the individual care that each of the kids is given. May of the kids from our orphanage were not taking a bottle and the director described how each kid liked their bottle. We had hoped to be able to go to the orphanage, but won't be able to (on this trip). They said that if we ever come back, we are welcome to visit then.The afternoon ended with a trip to Walmart. Yes, Walmart. Mostly, it was a chance to buy diapers, water and snacks. Just like the roads, the aisles of a chinese Walmart are crazy too.
Haven't broke the code on pictures, yet so I'll keep writing too many words. Wait til you see her smile ... it's a killer. :) We've got some downtime for the next few days as we wait for paperwork to be completed by the Chinese government.
Finally, weather report ... today it rained all day but we are grateful for that. The normal temperature in Nanchang in August is 110 degrees with 80% humidity. It's supposed to rain for a few more days and then clear up (and I guess it will get hot). As long as we can be in the hotel (or bus), we'll be okay. None of the building we went to have air conditioning (except a small unit that cools down one little area). Today, we took turns standing in front of it for a bit to cool down while we waited.
This may be a duplicate because I was having trouble so I tried to update the blog via e-mail. It didn't seem to work, but if this is a duplicate, it's because it really did.
Today, we had all our meetings with the Chinese officials to make the adoption official. Everything went smooth as "Chinese" silk. We've got the paper that shows she's ours. So, here's what I can think to tell you in random order.
The crying girl of yesterday has turned into the smiling, happy, ENERGENIC, outgoing, ENERGENIC, ball of constant fun. As Sherry put it earlier today, she plays hard and naps hard. Yesterday, she wouldn't take a bottle from us and we were a little concerned. We are concerned no more!!! At breakfast this morning, she decided that the boys pancakes were really good and ate a bunch of other food. One of the things they serve (which I guess we'll need to learrn to make for her something) is "steamed eggs". I have a feeling their similar to poached eggs, but don't know yet.
She has taken to everyone with her favorite boy-of-the-day changing day by day. Caleb was the favorite yesterday. Josh is the favorite today. The boys are having fun playing with her and seeing he fun in her eyes.
Nanchang (the city were in) is giving me a new appreciation for how good we have it in the DC area when it comes to traffic. Imagine the worst traffic, with the craziest drivers you've ever encountered, and you're not even close to driving (or walking) in Nanchang. It's a "small" Chinese city of 2,000,000 people and cars and people go which ever way they want (regardless of the direction traffic is supposed to flow). Yesterday, we had an adventure just trying to cross the street to get our kids. Essentially, you have to step out in front of traffic, put your hand out to get them to stop, and then hope and pray that they do. Then, be ready to move when they don't. It's crazy(and we have video to prove it). Today, we went to our various meetings by bus and I was just amazed that no one was killed.
Early is afternoon we met with the Social Services Director and the Director of the orphanage. They were extremely nice and we were amazed at the individual care that each of the kids is given. May of the kids from our orphanage were not taking a bottle and the director described how each kid liked their bottle. We had hoped to be able to go to the orphanage, but won't be able to (on this trip). They said that if we ever come back, we are welcome to visit then.The afternoon ended with a trip to Walmart. Yes, Walmart. Mostly, it was a chance to buy diapers, water and snacks. Just like the roads, the aisles of a chinese Walmart are crazy too.
Haven't broke the code on pictures, yet so I'll keep writing too many words. Wait til you see her smile ... it's a killer. :) We've got some downtime for the next few days as we wait for paperwork to be completed by the Chinese government.
Finally, weather report ... today it rained all day but we are grateful for that. The normal temperature in Nanchang in August is 110 degrees with 80% humidity. It's supposed to rain for a few more days and then clear up (and I guess it will get hot). As long as we can be in the hotel (or bus), we'll be okay. None of the building we went to have air conditioning (except a small unit that cools down one little area). Today, we took turns standing in front of it for a bit to cool down while we waited.
August 19, 2007
We have Maryn!!
It's now 9:15pm and we're in Nanchang, the province where Maryn's from. We had a pretty good flight, although it was a little bumpy for Sherry. Thank goodness for medicine. We arrived at our hotel (Galactic Peace International) around 2:30 this afternoon. After an hour meeting with our adoption agency representatives, we had a 45 minute break and went across the street to get our daughters (and one son). As expected, there were a bunch of crying babies. We have lots of pictures and video, but I'm not sure yet how we will get them on the blog. Caleb found that Maryn liked a butterfly toy if he made it squeak like crazy. After about 30 minutes, we were ready to go and brought Maryn back to the hotel. She was crying most of the time until she fell asleep in Sherry's arms around 7:15. She woke a little later and seems to be getting more comfortable with us. Just a little while ago, she smiled for the first time. What a great feeling. :) Tomorrow will be a long day with interviews and paperwork to finalized the adoption. Pray for us as you are winding down for the evening (and our day is about to begin). I can't wait to get some pictures up ... She is so cute.
August 18, 2007
Hong Kong
Sorry for those that have been checking to see that we're alive. We made it to Hong Kong without any real troubles. I've flown overseas a bunch of times, but never this long in coach seating. To say the least, it was not something I want to do too many more times. Fortunately, we know that we have better seats (the bulkhead) on the way home; a little more room will make a big difference. Keep praying as we travel ... the meds and herbs are working for Sherry and keeping her from getting motion sickness. Sometime you'll have to ask her about our trip to Canada for our 15th anniversary.
We arrived at 5:20am (Hong Kong time) after about 24 hours of travel. Our CCAI rep (Patrick) met us after immigration and customs and took us to the hotel. He's a really nice guy, knows a great deal about Hong Kong and fun to listen to. We're getting a good history lesson on Hong Kong.
After all that travel, we were very tired, but I wouldn't let anyone sleep until late in the day. At 3:00pm we were all dead so we decided we'd sleep until 5:00, and then go get dinner. At 10:00pm, I woke up an realized that our alarm clock battery died. Boy was I scared that we just really messed up our body clock. Fortunately, after our fabulous dinner from 7-11 of Ritz crackers, noodle soup and Oreo's, we played cards until around midnight and went back to sleep by 1:00am.
Today, we went on a tour of Hong Kong. It was lots of fun. If you didn't know (which I didn't), this area is mountainous. Fortunately, Sherry made it through the day without getting motion sick. :) We had an authentic Dim Sum lunch and everyone seemed to enjoy it (mostly). The boys are in the pool and Sherry's reading in the room.
We leave around 8:30am in the morning to head for the airport and off to Nanchang. We are taking lots of pictures and I'll try to load some in if I get a chance at our next hotel. Thanks to everyone who's praying for us.
One more day until Gotcha Day!!!
We arrived at 5:20am (Hong Kong time) after about 24 hours of travel. Our CCAI rep (Patrick) met us after immigration and customs and took us to the hotel. He's a really nice guy, knows a great deal about Hong Kong and fun to listen to. We're getting a good history lesson on Hong Kong.
After all that travel, we were very tired, but I wouldn't let anyone sleep until late in the day. At 3:00pm we were all dead so we decided we'd sleep until 5:00, and then go get dinner. At 10:00pm, I woke up an realized that our alarm clock battery died. Boy was I scared that we just really messed up our body clock. Fortunately, after our fabulous dinner from 7-11 of Ritz crackers, noodle soup and Oreo's, we played cards until around midnight and went back to sleep by 1:00am.
Today, we went on a tour of Hong Kong. It was lots of fun. If you didn't know (which I didn't), this area is mountainous. Fortunately, Sherry made it through the day without getting motion sick. :) We had an authentic Dim Sum lunch and everyone seemed to enjoy it (mostly). The boys are in the pool and Sherry's reading in the room.
We leave around 8:30am in the morning to head for the airport and off to Nanchang. We are taking lots of pictures and I'll try to load some in if I get a chance at our next hotel. Thanks to everyone who's praying for us.
One more day until Gotcha Day!!!
August 13, 2007
Sadness before Joy
In less than a week, we'll have our new daughter in our arms. What a joy that will be. Unfortunately, today we had to make one of the toughest decisions of our lives. Kali, our 17 year old Cocker Spaniel, and the boy's "big sister" finally reached the point that we had to
put her to sleep. This was the most heart-wrenching decision I think Sherry or I have had to make. The Feehs family is using a whole bunch of tissues today (and perhaps for a few more days).

Kali, which means Energy, was just that as a puppy. She used to do "the Bow-Wows"; zipping around a circle at full speed. By the time Josh was born, she had become a calm, loving, "puppy" that loved everyone she saw. In her old age, she turned into a fabulous watch dog. Any thief that walked in the house, would trip over her as she rolled over to have her belly rubbed.
We're going to miss her a lot, but I'm looking forward to being on the opposite end of the emotonal scale in just a few days.
August 12, 2007
Our Itinerary
Here's a summary of our planned itinerary.
15 Aug - Leave for Hong Kong
16 Aug - Still flying (and crossing the international date line and losing a day)
17 Aug - Arrive in Hong Kong at 5:45am
18 Aug - Meet up with our Travel Group and take a tour of Hong Kong
19 Aug - GOTCHA DAY. Fly from Hong Kong to Nanchang and get Maryn sometime that day.
20 Aug - Paperwork starts
21 Aug - Rest, tour and wait
22 Aug - Rest, tour and wait some more
23 Aug - Receive notarized adoption documents
24 Aug - Receive Maryn's passport and Registration Certificate
25 Aug - Fly to Guangzhou
26 Aug - Rest, shop and tour
27 Aug - Doctor's appointment and photos for Maryn's visa
28 Aug - Our consulate appointment
29 Aug - Go to the U.S. Consulate to take the oath. We'll receive Maryn's visa packet
30 Aug - Start the long trip home ... Guangzhou to Hong Kong to LAX to Dulles. We arrive home today (crossing back over the international date line and gaining a day). We leave Hong Kong in the afternoon of the 30th and arrive in Los Angeles in the morning of the 30th. :)
Here's a list of our hotels ...
Hong Kong ... Regal Riverside Hotel
Nanchang ... Galactic Peace International Hotel (how's that for a name)
Guangzhou ... White Swan Hotel
15 Aug - Leave for Hong Kong
16 Aug - Still flying (and crossing the international date line and losing a day)
17 Aug - Arrive in Hong Kong at 5:45am
18 Aug - Meet up with our Travel Group and take a tour of Hong Kong
19 Aug - GOTCHA DAY. Fly from Hong Kong to Nanchang and get Maryn sometime that day.
20 Aug - Paperwork starts
21 Aug - Rest, tour and wait
22 Aug - Rest, tour and wait some more
23 Aug - Receive notarized adoption documents
24 Aug - Receive Maryn's passport and Registration Certificate
25 Aug - Fly to Guangzhou
26 Aug - Rest, shop and tour
27 Aug - Doctor's appointment and photos for Maryn's visa
28 Aug - Our consulate appointment
29 Aug - Go to the U.S. Consulate to take the oath. We'll receive Maryn's visa packet
30 Aug - Start the long trip home ... Guangzhou to Hong Kong to LAX to Dulles. We arrive home today (crossing back over the international date line and gaining a day). We leave Hong Kong in the afternoon of the 30th and arrive in Los Angeles in the morning of the 30th. :)
Here's a list of our hotels ...
Hong Kong ... Regal Riverside Hotel
Nanchang ... Galactic Peace International Hotel (how's that for a name)
Guangzhou ... White Swan Hotel
August 9, 2007
Bigger Suitcases!
Those of you who know me well, know that I'm a high maintenance girl, one who loves her accessories. :) You can only imagine how hard it is for me to decide which 4-5 outfits to take to China, not to mention the small pharmacy we need to bring along. Rich and I were looking at all the things we needed to take and realized we needed bigger suitcases. The challenge now as I pack the suitcases is to keep the weight under 45 pounds.
Things are now moving at a fast pace as we get ready to leave for China. We received our final travel packet from our adoption agency, have sent our payment for our in China expenses and only have a few more days to wait to board that plane. We discovered that we would receive Maryn on Sunday, August 19th...don't know the time except that it will be in the afternoon. What a wonderful day that will be!
Things are now moving at a fast pace as we get ready to leave for China. We received our final travel packet from our adoption agency, have sent our payment for our in China expenses and only have a few more days to wait to board that plane. We discovered that we would receive Maryn on Sunday, August 19th...don't know the time except that it will be in the afternoon. What a wonderful day that will be!
August 1, 2007
Showered with blessings!
Last night I was surprised by the wonderful women of LCC! I am overwhelmed with the love that was shown us and can't wait to get Maryn home to try everything on! I wonder if she'll love accessories as much as I do! Maryn has sunglasses, beautiful dresses and outfits, a bathrobe and even a pair of hot pink cowboy boots. She has a friend waiting in the wings to wear their matching boots! Maryn will be one of the best dressed little girls in northern Virginia, but even more, one of the most loved and welcomed.
July 30, 2007
A new picture
Today we received the following e-mail from CCAI ...
Congratulations Rich and Sherry! The following is updated information on Yuan, Yu, Meng, born on 09/23/06. This information was taken on the July 12, 2007 and the pictures were taken around the same time.
Height: 66 cm
Weight: 7.25 kg
Head Cir: 43 cm
Chest Cir: 42 cm
Foot Length: 11 cm
Foot Length: 11 cm
Teeth: 0
Sitting?: Yes
Sitting?: Yes
Standing?: Yes, holding on to something
Walking: No
Speaking: No
Where does your child sleep? She sleeps in a crib by herself or in a bed with other children in the caretaker’s bed.
Where does your child sleep? She sleeps in a crib by herself or in a bed with other children in the caretaker’s bed.

Like her oldest brother, she too doesn't have teeth at 10 months. :)
July 9, 2007
The wait is over ...
On July 9, 2007 the 20 month wait was over ... Here's the message we received:
Congratulations Rich & Sherry!
Attached is the picture of your beautiful daughter! Isn’t she adorable?!? If for some reason you are unable to view this picture, please contact our office..
Yuan Yu Meng was born on September 23, 2006. She is from the Nancheng County Social Welfare Institute in Jiangxi Province.

Congratulations Rich & Sherry!
Attached is the picture of your beautiful daughter! Isn’t she adorable?!? If for some reason you are unable to view this picture, please contact our office..
Yuan Yu Meng was born on September 23, 2006. She is from the Nancheng County Social Welfare Institute in Jiangxi Province.

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