Mommom and Pops at Lake Anna. All our nearby family was there for the fun. Joanna started in my lap (her mom's lap was occupied and I was the only available lap at the time). Shortly after, Abby arrived and joined Joanna. Soon after Abby climbed up, Maryn toddled in the room and saw that someone else had "her place" on Mommy's lap. So we decided there was plenty of room and took advantage of the photo opportunity. The funny thing is, Maryn does not like when someone has her Mommy...she got upset at the chiropractor's office, fusses when Rich hugs me and loudly protests when I'm holding another baby in the church nursery. Maryn is clear about what is hers and sharing...well we're working on that!
December 31, 2007
Sharing my Mommy?!
Mommom and Pops at Lake Anna. All our nearby family was there for the fun. Joanna started in my lap (her mom's lap was occupied and I was the only available lap at the time). Shortly after, Abby arrived and joined Joanna. Soon after Abby climbed up, Maryn toddled in the room and saw that someone else had "her place" on Mommy's lap. So we decided there was plenty of room and took advantage of the photo opportunity. The funny thing is, Maryn does not like when someone has her Mommy...she got upset at the chiropractor's office, fusses when Rich hugs me and loudly protests when I'm holding another baby in the church nursery. Maryn is clear about what is hers and sharing...well we're working on that!
Christmas Blessings!
December 30, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Mommom and Pops joined us early in the morning for presents, then later in the day they were back for dinner along with more family. Maryn and her cousin Abby patiently (really) waited for their prese
December 12, 2007
First Snow
Those of you who know the DC area know that we panic when a few flakes drop from the sky. Traffic is a million times worse than normal and schools have closed with even just the threat of snow. We don't get much snow so we have to take advantage of whatever we get. We had our first snow last week and I just had to get Maryn outside complete with snow boots, snow pants, hat, mittens, coat - the whole nine yards! The boys were home, school was delayed, so we got her suited up and took Maryn outside to experience her first snow. She didn't know how to move in all that bundling, pretty much just sat down, tasted a little snow, then held up her hands to be picked up. I can't say she was all that impressed, though tasting snow may have been the highlight. I don't think she was too amused by all the pictures we took, but we had to record it! All in all, it took longer to get her bundled, and unbundled than the time we spent outside!
December 5, 2007
The Joys of Christmas
I'm always primed and ready to start decorating for Christmas. I won't do it before Thanksgiving, but the moment we return from Thanksgiving I'm ready to get started. This year was no different, except for an adorable little helper. We just couldn't get the things out of the boxes fast enough. I started to get a bit irritated, well not irritated, but thinking Maryn was getting in the way when it dawned on me that this is ALL new to her. She wants to see and explore everything and when I stepped back it was a beautiful picture to watch. If only we could have captured the joy on her face as she played with our little nativity set. (We tried with these pictures, but it doesn't compare.) She played with it for over 30 minutes, but kept returning to it. I hope I can capture that joy and excitement in my heart!
Precious Moments
As you know, we are thoroughly smitten with our little girl. She does the most adorable things! Yesterday while she was eating breakfast, I was on the computer with my diet coke beside me. She had her waffle and milk cup. She kept handing me her cup and then asking for it back, then she'd point. I soon discovered that she wanted her cup to sit next to my diet coke. Mommy and Maryn, just like I love it!
We're also trying to teach Maryn to sit down while she's drinking from a cup. She's not quite getting it, but when she asks for her milk (she signs "milk please") I'll tell her to sit down. I expect her to sit right where she is at the moment, but she likes to walk all the way across the room to sit. I usually have to get up and take her cup to her. She sure knows how to get attention.

Maryn fell last night and bumped her cheek near her eye. I was so upset, as was Maryn. I held her for quite a while and periodically she would pat me on the back to reassure me that she was alright...just what I needed! By the time Rich got home about an hour later, she was requesting food and smiling. She recovered quicker than me!
She likes to sit in our lap to read and she is staying very close to me and protests when I leave her. We were in the basement looking at some books and she kept getting up, then returning. Upon returning she now "backs up" to sit in my lap. It is just so cute to watch as she puts it in reverse "looking" for my lap!

I may have missed the first 11 months of her life, but I sure hope I can capture all these cute little moments and remember them forever!
I may have missed the first 11 months of her life, but I sure hope I can capture all these cute little moments and remember them forever!
We packed our bags and headed to Mommom and Pops house to celebrate Maryn's first Thanksgiving with us. It was the first Thanksgiving in their new home and we were there with one of my sisters, my brother and their families. It was a busy place to be. It was also Maryn's first trip away from home. She did just fine and loved following her little cousins around the house.
December 4, 2007
The Cuteness
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