January 16, 2008

Life is Fun!

It is such a joy and blessing to have a little one running around the house again. Maryn is learning new signs from her Signing Times DVDs and is starting to say more words. Yesterday she said "Bible." Last night she was hiding around the corner from where I was sitting and popped her head around and said, "Boo!" So cute!

Of course along with those blessings are the not so pretty scenes in life, though some of these you have to laugh at as well. This morning I was emailing our pastor when I heard the toilet seat drop...Maryn was trying to raise the seat so she could wash her hands. How do I know? She smiled at me and signed "wash hands!" I laughed, then promptly shut the bathroom door.

January 7, 2008

15 Month Stats

Maryn had her 15 month check up this morning. At her 12 month check up she weighed 16 lbs. 4 oz. and was 28 3/4 inches tall. Today, she weighed in at 20 lbs. 2 oz. and was 31 1/2 inches tall. This puts her weight on the growth charts in the 10% (for the first time) and is now in the 75% for her height (she was in the 50%). She says about 8 words, normal at 15 months is 3 words. The doctor is thrilled with her progress and says we have a smart little girl. The only other hurdles to jump are routine eye and ear screening. The only down side of the visit was 3 shots - OUCH! Maryn took a marathon nap today(6 hours) and went to bed an hour earlier than usual. Hopefully we'll have a quiet night! It's amazing to see the tremendous progress Maryn has made in such a short time. I know I have said it before, but we are truly blessed!

January 6, 2008


I can hardly believe the injustice of it all...I waited so long for this beautiful little girl. We've only had her 4 1/2 short months. She's learned so many things and starting to speak more, included in her repertoire is "No!" She used to shake her head no, and that was very cute. Sometimes it's funny when she says "no" and she certainly hears it as she "trolls for trouble." (My phrase for her when she is in "stinker mode" looking to get into trouble.) I've also heard of little ones entering the "terrible twos" around 18 months and (encouragingly, NOT) lasting until they turn three when their catch phrase becomes "why," and of course every parent wishes for their child to be gifted, but gifted in "NO?" I think not! I've been told, be careful what you wish for! Seriously, this new found independence is sure to challenge me, but I wouldn't trade it for the world! The pictures below were taken on a Sunday morning before church, this was before Maryn said no, but as you can see her actions were saying no. She did eventually give us a smile!