May 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Everyone!

On February 2, Mommom celebrated her 70th birthday. We celebrated the first weekend in February with lunch then Josh's district band concert followed by a nice dinner out with the Moyers. We sang to Mommom with cookies at lunch, but we didn't stop with just singing "Happy Birthday" to Mommom...we sang to everyone along with relighting the candle.


Okay, so I realize it's rather odd to be posting snow pictures when summer is about to begin, but it is always fun to look at these great outside shots and I'm a stickler about doing things in order. We had our first snow on January 27th. Caleb had fun with Maryn outside and then Maryn convinced Daddy to take her out later that evening for a snowball fight.

January 6, 2009

Decorating Cookies

We had LOTS of sprinkles for our cookies this year! Maryn worked so hard that her hands turned colors...first a red, then dark purple! We had sprinkles everywhere...we were even walking in sprinkles by the time we were done!

Miss Daredevil!

We had just finished decorating the tree and were taking some family photos. We were trying to get a good picture of Maryn and me. She was supposed to be laying on my back when all of a sudden she takes a flying leap! Who knows what that little girl is thinking!


It seems like the boys usually raked leaves when Maryn was napping and given the ages of Josh and Caleb, they are not prone to jump and frolic in the leaves. So...we had to schedule a time for Maryn to experience jumping in the leaves, one of those things that every kid has to do! She was very tentative at first, but after we tossed her in and threw leaves at the boys, she had a blast!

Thanks Aunt Debby and Uncle Jeff

Maryn received this dress from Aunt Debby and Uncle Jeff for her birthday. She looks so pretty in it, though she won't keep the hat on! On this Sunday, she insisted the lamb be in the picture and in some pictures the lamb was wearing the hat!

Fairy Princess

Maryn was a fairy princess for Halloween. She had a pretty headpiece, but ditched it half way through the evening. We visited our neighbors and Aunt deedee and Uncle Buzz. The only hitch in the evening was trying to convince Maryn that we don't eat all the candy as soon as we get it!

Chef Maryn

What an irresistible chef? If there is work going on in the kitchen, Maryn is there to assist! She loves to stir and is especially great at washing dishes. Just get the girl her step stool and she's ready to go!