Maryn made her first bear at Build a Bear. She receieved a gift card from her Aunt deedee for Christmas. Maryn, Aunt deedee and I went to the store together to make this special bear. deedee and I fell in love with an adorable Valentine's day puppy, white with pink and red hearts. What more could a little girl ask for? Well the answer according to Maryn, is a cute black bear (not a puppy). We tried to steer her towards the puppy on several occasions to no avail. deedee asked, "does she usually know what she wants?" My answer was an emphatic "YES."
deedee made her own puppy and went first so Maryn could watch. She wasn't too sure about things, but quickly caught on. She pushed the pedal to stuff her bear, then "washed" and brushed it, then came the fun of accessorizing. Of course, many of the items were at the perfect height for a little one to rearrange the shelves. Again deedee and I picked out our favorite outfit, but Maryn chose the cute red dress with matching shoes.
What did we learn? Maryn knows what she wants. You might as well save your breath because she doesn't change her mind. Enjoy the time when I can dress her without her picking her clothes. Build a Bear is lots of fun and I'm sure we'll be back. It was a fun experience for much fun that Maryn needed a nap to recover. Thanks for a fun day, Aunt deedee!