The past two Halloweens I've spent the time between handing out candy thinking about what life will be like when Maryn was here. Of course, we had much more time to think about it than we anticipated. Two years ago Caleb and I discussed what Maryn would dress up as and if he could take her around the neighborhood. Well our first Halloween finally arrived. Maryn dressed as a ladybug and she was a very cute little ladybug! Josh and Caleb spent the evening with their youth group at Chipotle. If you dress as a burrito, in tin foil, you got a free burrito. Maryn charmed our neighbors while I handed out candy. Mommom and Pops came to see our "cuteness" which has quickly become Maryn's nickname, thanks t
November 12, 2007
Happy Halloween
The past two Halloweens I've spent the time between handing out candy thinking about what life will be like when Maryn was here. Of course, we had much more time to think about it than we anticipated. Two years ago Caleb and I discussed what Maryn would dress up as and if he could take her around the neighborhood. Well our first Halloween finally arrived. Maryn dressed as a ladybug and she was a very cute little ladybug! Josh and Caleb spent the evening with their youth group at Chipotle. If you dress as a burrito, in tin foil, you got a free burrito. Maryn charmed our neighbors while I handed out candy. Mommom and Pops came to see our "cuteness" which has quickly become Maryn's nickname, thanks t
She's Walking!
Maryn took her first steps around her first birthday. One day I found an old Discovery Toys walking toy and brought it up for her. It gave her new perspective on mobility and she became even more determined to walk. She pushed that bear/train everywhere it would fit. She even got mad at things (like a wall or the refrigerator) when they "suddenly" got in her way! The week of Halloween is when she took off on her own and she has been trolling around ever since. She's still not totally steady, but has "found" the dining and living rooms and is no longer satisfied to stay in the family room and kitchen.
November 11, 2007
Future Marching Stallion
Those of you who know us well, know that our kids are involved in several extracirricular
activities. This fall we only had one activity to keep up with - Josh playing tuba in the marching band. We went to every home football game except one (it was raining) and two of the four competitions. Maryn was a trooper staying up past her bedtime or missing a nap and still smiled at anyone who would look at her. She was well loved by the marching band! One of the competitions we went to was held at James Madison University, about 2 1/2 hours away from home. We met Mommom and Pops there and had a wonderful day. The South County Marching Stallions won their division of the competition. Maryn loved watching all the bands and "directed"from the stands. She did a great job keeping time - we were just thankful that she was pleasant and didn't even mind being bundled up!
Maryn Turns One!
On September 23rd, we celebrated Maryn's first and Josh's sixteenth birthdays. We had a fun day that started at church and continued when our family and friends gathered for dinner and birthday cake! I'm not sure if Maryn knew it was an exciting day because she had a hard time falling asleep for her nap. She even surprised us with a few of her very first steps. She enjoyed her cake though we didn't let her destroy it...Mommy needed some to eat!
Does She Have Any Teeth?
Maryn didn't have any teeth when we got her. It didn't stop her from eating anything, but getting teeth have certainly helped. She got her bottom middle teeth the weekend of her birthday and the upper middle teeth a couple weeks later. She is a very busy baby and often difficult to get a good picture. Rich got this picture of her teeth right after a diaper change.
How's She Sleeping and Eating?
We are asked these questions often. After our initial transition, getting used to her own room, own bed, being by herself and the time change, Maryn sleeps very well, 12 hours at night and two two hour naps. She likes to sleep with her "blugy" (a tag blanket made by Aunt Cindy and named by Abby, a combination of "blanket"and "lovey.") and at least one of her dolls.
Maryn has had some lactose intolerance, a residual issue from the virus she had in China, but other than that she eats anything! She is learning to feed herself and doesn't care if she gets sticky or dirty. She has recently decided she prefers "real" food instead of baby food. When we sit down to eat she surveys everyone else's plate to see if there is anything else out there she might enjoy!

We have been blessed with an abundance of wonderful baby gifts! Maryn has quickly learned how to open a present. She throws tissue and rips wrapping paper. Sometimes she even likes what is in the package, but as with most babies, she loves the ribbons and boxes! In addition to all the baby gifts we've received, Maryn celebrated her first birthday and attended her own baby shower...not too many babies can make that claim! Thank you for all the gifts! We
especially appreciate the support of our family and friends. 
A Fresh Start
Many people have been asking me to send pictures and want to know how we are doing so I'm going to attempt to keep our blog more up to date. I'm going to go back to September and share with you some of the highlights of the past several months! It's hard to belive we've only had Maryn for 2+ months. She has blended into our family so well. She brings us much joy!
In September, Maryn did her exploring by crawling. I was amazed at how she fit herself into such small places, like next to the washing machine. She also discovered my paper basket and has repeatedly tried to "help" me reorganize.
In September, Maryn did her exploring by crawling. I was amazed at how she fit herself into such small places, like next to the washing machine. She also discovered my paper basket and has repeatedly tried to "help" me reorganize.
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