July 30, 2007

A new picture

Today we received the following e-mail from CCAI ...

Congratulations Rich and Sherry! The following is updated information on Yuan, Yu, Meng, born on 09/23/06. This information was taken on the July 12, 2007 and the pictures were taken around the same time.

Height: 66 cm

Weight: 7.25 kg
Head Cir: 43 cm
Chest Cir: 42 cm
Foot Length: 11 cm

Teeth: 0
Sitting?: Yes

Standing?: Yes, holding on to something
Walking: No
Speaking: No
Where does your child sleep? She sleeps in a crib by herself or in a bed with other children in the caretaker’s bed.

Like her oldest brother, she too doesn't have teeth at 10 months. :)

July 9, 2007

The wait is over ...

On July 9, 2007 the 20 month wait was over ... Here's the message we received:

Congratulations Rich & Sherry!

Attached is the picture of your beautiful daughter! Isn’t she adorable?!? If for some reason you are unable to view this picture, please contact our office..

Yuan Yu Meng was born on September 23, 2006. She is from the Nancheng County Social Welfare Institute in Jiangxi Province.